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Table 3 Definition and assessment of risk exposure [23, 34–36]

From: Outbreaks of Ebola virus disease in Africa: the beginnings of a tragic saga

Risk level


High-risk exposure

• Percutaneous injury, e.g. needlestick, or mucous membrane exposure to body fluids of an EVD patient

• Direct care or exposure to body fluids of an EVD patient without appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

• Laboratory worker processing body fluids of confirmed EVD patients without appropriate PPE or standard biosafety precautions

• Participation in funeral rites that include direct contact with human remains in the geographic area where an outbreak is occurring without appropriate PPE

Low-risk exposure

• Household member or other casual contact1 with an EVD patient

• Providing patient care or casual contact1 without high-risk exposure with EVD patients in health care facilities in EVD outbreak affected countries

No known exposure

Persons with no known exposure were present in an EVD outbreak affected country in the past 21 days with no low-risk or high-risk exposures

1Casual contact is defined as (i) being within approximately 3 feet (1 meter) or within the room or care area for a prolonged period of time (e.g. healthcare personnel, household members) while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment; or (ii) having direct brief contact (e.g., shaking hands) with an EVD case while not wearing recommended personal protective equipment